You are about to learn to play that guitar you have decorating the wall. If you follow my directions, soon enough you will be playing songs and, if you have your own ideas, you will start writing your own songs as well.

In this course, you will see the absolutely necessary theory that will help you move on quickly. This doesn't mean that I don't see theory as important. I just don't find it necessary at this point. Later on, after you have learned what I'm going to show you here, you can go on and learn more theory. And it will be much easier with all the knowledge you will have acquired from our time together.

New lessons will be added every now and then, as often as possible.

Lesson 01 - Tuning and chords

In this lesson you will see how to hold the pick and the guitar strings, as well as your first four chords. By following the instructions, you will see very soon some significant progress.

Lesson 02 - More chords and a song

In this lesson you will learn some more chords as well as a rhythm and a song. Be sure that you followed the instructions of the first lesson before proceeding.

Lesson 03 - Barre and chord finding

This lesson will introduce you to some barre chords while at the same time you will learn how to find some chords without any help. Don't rush your fingers while changing chords. After some repeats, you will see your speed increasing without even trying.

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